Class DriveTrainSimulationConfig


public class DriveTrainSimulationConfig extends Object

Stores the configurations for a swerve drive simulation.

This class is used to hold all the parameters necessary for simulating a swerve drivetrain, allowing for realistic performance testing and evaluation.

  • Field Details

    • robotMass

      public edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Mass robotMass
    • bumperLengthX

      public edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance bumperLengthX
    • bumperWidthY

      public edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance bumperWidthY
    • swerveModuleSimulationFactory

      public Supplier<SwerveModuleSimulation> swerveModuleSimulationFactory
    • gyroSimulationFactory

      public Supplier<GyroSimulation> gyroSimulationFactory
    • moduleTranslations

      public Translation2d[] moduleTranslations
  • Constructor Details

    • DriveTrainSimulationConfig

      public DriveTrainSimulationConfig(edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Mass robotMass, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance bumperLengthX, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance bumperWidthY, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance trackLengthX, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance trackWidthY, Supplier<SwerveModuleSimulation> swerveModuleSimulationFactory, Supplier<GyroSimulation> gyroSimulationFactory)

      Ordinary Constructor

      Creates an instance of DriveTrainSimulationConfig with specified parameters.

      robotMass - the mass of the robot, including bumpers.
      bumperLengthX - the length of the bumper (distance from front to back).
      bumperWidthY - the width of the bumper (distance from left to right).
      trackLengthX - the distance between the front and rear wheels.
      trackWidthY - the distance between the left and right wheels.
      swerveModuleSimulationFactory - the factory that creates appropriate swerve module simulation for the drivetrain.
      gyroSimulationFactory - the factory that creates appropriate gyro simulation for the drivetrain.
  • Method Details

    • Default

      public static DriveTrainSimulationConfig Default()

      Default Constructor.

      Creates a DriveTrainSimulationConfig with all the data set to default values.

      Though the config starts with default values, any configuration can be modified after creation.

      The default configurations are:

      • Robot Mass of 45 kilograms.
      • Bumper Length of 0.76 meters.
      • Bumper Width of 0.76 meters.
      • Track Length of 0.52 meters.
      • Track Width of 0.52 meters.
      • Default swerve module simulations based on Falcon 500 motors.
      • Default gyro simulation using the Pigeon2 gyro.
      a new instance of DriveTrainSimulationConfig with all configs set to default values.
    • withRobotMass

      public DriveTrainSimulationConfig withRobotMass(edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Mass robotMass)

      Sets the robot mass.

      Updates the mass of the robot in kilograms.

      robotMass - the new mass of the robot.
      the current instance of DriveTrainSimulationConfig for method chaining.
    • withBumperSize

      public DriveTrainSimulationConfig withBumperSize(edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance bumperLengthX, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance bumperWidthY)

      Sets the bumper size.

      Updates the dimensions of the bumper.

      bumperLengthX - the length of the bumper.
      bumperWidthY - the width of the bumper.
      the current instance of DriveTrainSimulationConfig for method chaining.
    • withTrackLengthTrackWidth

      public DriveTrainSimulationConfig withTrackLengthTrackWidth(edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance trackLengthX, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance trackWidthY)

      Sets the track length and width.

      Updates the translations for the swerve modules based on the specified track length and track width.

      For non-rectangular chassis configuration, use withCustomModuleTranslations(Translation2d[]) instead.

      trackLengthX - the distance between the front and rear wheels.
      trackWidthY - the distance between the left and right wheels.
      the current instance of DriveTrainSimulationConfig for method chaining.
    • withCustomModuleTranslations

      public DriveTrainSimulationConfig withCustomModuleTranslations(Translation2d[] moduleTranslations)

      Sets custom module translations.

      Updates the translations of the swerve modules with user-defined values.

      For ordinary rectangular modules configuration, use withTrackLengthTrackWidth(Distance, Distance) instead.

      moduleTranslations - the custom translations for the swerve modules.
      the current instance of DriveTrainSimulationConfig for method chaining.
    • withSwerveModule

      public DriveTrainSimulationConfig withSwerveModule(Supplier<SwerveModuleSimulation> swerveModuleSimulationFactory)

      Sets the swerve module simulation factory.

      Updates the factory used to create swerve module simulations.

      swerveModuleSimulationFactory - the new factory for swerve module simulations.
      the current instance of DriveTrainSimulationConfig for method chaining.
    • withGyro

      public DriveTrainSimulationConfig withGyro(Supplier<GyroSimulation> gyroSimulationFactory)

      Sets the gyro simulation factory.

      Updates the factory used to create gyro simulations.

      gyroSimulationFactory - the new factory for gyro simulations.
      the current instance of DriveTrainSimulationConfig for method chaining.
    • getDensityKgPerSquaredMeters

      public double getDensityKgPerSquaredMeters()

      Calculates the density of the robot.

      Returns the density of the robot based on its mass and bumper dimensions.

      the density in kilograms per square meter.
    • trackLengthX

      public edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance trackLengthX()

      Calculates the track length in the X direction.

      Returns the total distance between the frontmost and rearmost module translations in the X direction.

      the track length.
      IllegalStateException - if the module translations are empty.
    • trackWidthY

      public edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance trackWidthY()

      Calculates the track width in the Y direction.

      Returns the total distance between the leftmost and rightmost module translations in the Y direction.

      the track width.
      IllegalStateException - if the module translations are empty.
    • driveBaseRadius

      public edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance driveBaseRadius()