Swerve Simulation: Simplified Swerve Simulation
About this approach
This approach emphasizes ease of use while maintaining a reasonably accurate model of robot behavior. Although the physics simulation is realistic enough to accurately mimic your drivetrain, the code used to manipulate the simulated drivetrain is embedded into maple-sim for convenience. As a result, it may differ slightly from the code running on your real robot.
This document is based on the BaseTalonSwerve-maple-sim Example. Check the project for a more detailed understanding.
0. Abstracting your drive subsystem
Before we start, we need to create a SwerveDrive
interface or abstract class that specifies the functions of the drive subsystem.
Example drive subsystem abstraction:
package frc.robot.subsystems.drive;
* Represents a subsystem responsible for controlling the drive system of a robot. This includes methods for controlling
* the movement, managing swerve drive modules, tracking the robot's position and orientation, and other related tasks.
public interface SwerveDrive extends Subsystem {
void drive(ChassisSpeeds speeds, boolean fieldRelative, boolean isOpenLoop);
void setModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[] desiredStates);
ChassisSpeeds getMeasuredSpeeds();
Rotation2d getGyroYaw();
Pose2d getPose();
void setPose(Pose2d pose);
default Rotation2d getHeading() {
return getPose().getRotation();
default void setHeading(Rotation2d heading) {
setPose(new Pose2d(getPose().getTranslation(), heading));
default void zeroHeading() {
setHeading(new Rotation2d());
void addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d visionRobotPose, double timeStampSeconds);
void addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d visionRobotPoseMeters, double timestampSeconds, Matrix<N3, N1> visionMeasurementStdDevs);
Next, we implement the interface using the real hardware of the robot. View Example
1. Creating a simulation drive subsystem implementation
Now, let's create an implementation of the SwerveDrive
interface using a simulated swerve drivetrain.
To do this, we will use the SimplifiedSwerveDriveSimulation
class. This class manages and controls a SwerveDriveSimulation, similar to how your user code controls the physical chassis. Based on the commands sent by the user, it runs closed loops on the virtual drive/steer motors in the simulated drivetrain, mimicking the behavior of the real swerve drive.
package frc.robot.subsystems.drive;
public class MapleSimSwerve implements SwerveDrive {
private final SelfControlledSwerveDriveSimulation simulatedDrive;
private final Field2d field2d;
public MapleSimSwerve() {
// For your own code, please configure your drivetrain properly according to the documentation
final DriveTrainSimulationConfig config = DriveTrainSimulationConfig.Default();
// Creating the SelfControlledSwerveDriveSimulation instance
this.simulatedDrive = new SelfControlledSwerveDriveSimulation(
new SwerveDriveSimulation(config, new Pose2d(0, 0, new Rotation2d())));
// Register the drivetrain simulation to the simulation world
// A field2d widget for debugging
field2d = new Field2d();
SmartDashboard.putData("simulation field", field2d);
Now we can create wrapper methods to implement the APIs specified by the SwerveDrive
package frc.robot.subsystems.drive;
public class MapleSimSwerve implements SwerveDrive {
... // previous code not shown
public void drive(Translation2d translation, double rotation, boolean fieldRelative, boolean isOpenLoop) {
new ChassisSpeeds(translation.getX(), translation.getY(), rotation),
new Translation2d(),
public void setModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[] desiredStates) {
public ChassisSpeeds getMeasuredSpeeds() {
return simulatedDrive.getMeasuredSpeedsFieldRelative(true);
public Rotation2d getGyroYaw() {
return simulatedDrive.getRawGyroAngle();
public Pose2d getPose() {
return simulatedDrive.getOdometryEstimatedPose();
public void setPose(Pose2d pose) {
public void addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d visionRobotPose, double timeStampSeconds) {
simulatedDrive.addVisionEstimation(visionRobotPose, timeStampSeconds);
public void addVisionMeasurement(
Pose2d visionRobotPoseMeters, double timestampSeconds, Matrix<N3, N1> visionMeasurementStdDevs) {
simulatedDrive.addVisionEstimation(visionRobotPoseMeters, timestampSeconds, visionMeasurementStdDevs);
public void periodic() {
// update the odometry of the SimplifedSwerveSimulation instance
// send simulation data to dashboard for testing
2. Using the simulated drivetrain
In the RobotContainer
, we store an instance of the SwerveDrive
interface. Depending on the robot’s current mode, we instantiate different types of implementations.
// in RobotContainer.java
private final SwerveDrive drive;
public RobotContainer() {
if (Robot.isReal()) {
this.drive = new TalonSwerve(); // Real implementation
else {
this.drive = new MapleSimSwerve(); // Simulation implementation
Our drive commands and auto builders should ALWAYS take the interface as a dependency, regardless of whether it’s a real implementation or a simulation.
package frc.robot.commands;
public class JoystickDrive extends Command {
private SwerveDrive drive;
... // Other requirements
public JoystickDrive(
SwerveDrive drive, // Take an instance of the SwerveDrive interface as a dependency
... // Other requirements (e.g., driver gamepad axis suppliers)
) {
this.drive = drive;
... // Process other requirements
public void execute() {
... // Process command logic
drive.drive(...); // Execute the logic through APIs specified by the SwerveDrive interface
We can also configure the auto builder directly within the SwerveDrive
interface, enabling autonomous driving in both the real world and simulation.
public interface SwerveDrive extends Subsystem {
... // previous code not shown
/** Configures the PathPlanner auto builder */
default void configurePPAutoBuilder() {
// Use APIs from SwerveDrive interface
(speeds) -> this.drive(speeds, false, true),
// Configure the Auto PIDs
new PPHolonomicDriveController(
// Specify the PathPlanner Robot Config
// Path Flipping: Determines if the path should be flipped based on the robot's alliance color
() -> DriverStation.getAlliance().orElse(DriverStation.Alliance.Blue).equals(DriverStation.Alliance.Red),
// Specify the drive subsystem as a requirement of the command